Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Assignment on Design of Steel Structures

 Module -I (Introduction & Connections)

1. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Steel as Construction Material?

2. Which are the different types of rolled steel section used in Steel Structures? Draw neat sketches of each.

3. Which are the loads consider while designing the structure? Explain each with IS code reference.

4. State and Explain different types of Methods used for design of Steel Structures?

5. Differentiate between WSM and LSM?

6. Enlist and explain different types of Limit States.

7. Write down the advantages and limitations of HSFG bolts over Black bolts?

8. Enlist Advantages of Welded connection over Bolted connection. Also write down it's limitations.

9. Enlist different grades of bolts used in Steel connection? In 4.6 grade A bolts what does 4.6 and A indicates.

10. State and Explain failure modes of bolted connection?

11. Define: a) Bolt value b) efficiency of joint c) Factor of safety d) Partial safety Factor.

12. Numericals on Bolted connection.

13. Numericals on Welded connection.

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Assignment on Design of Steel Structures

  Module -I (Introduction & Connections) 1. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Steel as Construction Material? 2. Which are ...