Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Three hinged Arches & Suspension Cables MCQs (TOS-I CGPA)


Subject: Theory of Structures-I/ Structural Analysis-I

Topic:- Three Hinged Arches and Suspension Cables

1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. In case of suspension bridge due to rise in temperature,

(A) Dip of the cable increases

(B) Length of the cable increases

(C) Dip of the cable decreases

(D) None of these.

Answer: C

2. to avoid bending action at the base of a pier,

(A) Suspension and anchor cables are kept at the same level

(B) Suspension and anchor cables are fixed to pier top

(C) Suspension cable and anchor cables are attached to a saddle mounted on rollers on top of the pier

(D) None the these

Answer: B

3. The shape of a suspended cable under its own weight, is

(A) Parabolic

(B) Circular

(C) Catenary

(D) Any of the above


Answer: C

4. A three-hinged arch is said to be :

(A) Statically determinate structure

(B) Statically indeterminate structure

(C) A bent beam

(D) None of these

Answer: A

5. A three hinged parabolic arch hinged at the crown and springings, has a horizontal span of 4.8 m and a central rise of 1 m. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 7.5 kN per meter over half left hand span. The horizontal thrust at the support will be

(A) 10.8 kN

(B) 1.08 kN

(C) 1.8 kN

(D) 0.8 kN

Answer: A

6. If a three hinged parabolic arch carries a uniformly distributed load on its entire span, every section of the arch resists.

(A) Compressive force

(B) Tensile force

(C) Shear force

(D) Bending moment

Answer: A

7. In a three hinged arch, the shear force is usually

(A) Maximum at crown

(B) Maximum at springings

(C) Maximum at quarter points

(D) Varies with slope

Answer: B

8. An arch may be subjected to

(A) Shear and axial force

(B) Bending moment and shear force

(C) Bending moment and axial force

(D) Thrust, shear force and bending moment

Answer: D

9. An arch with three hinges, is a structure

(A) Statically determinate

(B) Statically indeterminate

(C) Geometrically unstable

(D) Structurally sound but indeterminate

Answer: A

10. In a three hinged arch, the third hinge is generally kept at

(A) Crown of the arch

(B) Midpoint of the crown and left support hinge

(C) Midpoint of the crown and right support hinge

(D) None of these

Answer: A

11. In a three hinged arch, the bending moment will be zero

(A) At right hinge only

(B) At left hinge only

(C) At all the three hinges

(D) At both right and left hinges

Answer: C

12. In a solid arch, shear force acts

(A) Vertically upwards

(B) Along the axis of the arch

(C) Tangentially to the arch

(D) Perpendicular to the axis of arch

Answer: D

13. A three hinged arch is loaded with an isolated load 1 kN at a horizontal distance of 2.5 m from the crown, 1 m above the level of hinges at the supports 10 metres apart. The horizontal thrust is

(A) 0.125 kN

(B) 0.75 kN

(C) 1.25 kN

(D) 2.5 kN

Answer: C

14. The rise of a parabolic arch at quarter points, is equal to

(A) (1/4) times the rise of the crown

(B) (1/2) times the rise of the crown

(C) (1/3) times the rise of the crown

(D) (3/4) times the rise of the crown

Answer: D

15. The effect of arching a beam, is

(A) To reduce the bending moment throughout

(B) To increase the bending moment throughout

(C) Nothing on the bending throughout

(D) Any of the above

Answer: A

16. If a three hinged parabolic arch, (span L, rise h) is carrying a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over the entire span,

(A) Horizontal thrust is wL2/8h

(B) S.F. will be zero throughout

(C) B.M. will be zero throughout

(D) All the above

Answer: D

17. A three hinged arch is generally hinged at its supports and

(A) At one quarter span

(B) At the crown

(C) Anywhere in the rib

(D) None of these

Answer: C

18. A three hinged arch will have three hinges

(A) One hinge at the crown essentially and the other two any where

(B) Two at the two ends and one anywhere in between the two ends

(C) Two at the two ends the third at the crown only

(D) None of the above

Answer: B

19. Cables resist external loads by

(A) Tension

(B) Compression

(C) Bending

(D) Compression & bending

Answer: A

20. An arch resist the external load by

(A) Normal thrust

(B) Normal thrust and bending moment

(C) Bending moment and radial shear

(D) Normal thrust, radial shear and bending moment

Answer: D

21. The shape of cable under transverse uniformly distributed load is

(A) Parabolic

(B) Catenary

(C) Circular

(D) Triangular

Answer: A

22. A circular three pinned arch of span 20 m and a rise of 5 m is hinged at a crown and springing. It carries a load of u.d.l. of 10 kN/m over entire span. The horizontal thrust at the right springing will be

(A) 800 kN

(B) 600 kN

(C) 400 kN

(D) 100 kN

Answer: D

23. A circular three pinned arch of span 20 m and a rise of 5 m is hinged at a crown and springing. It carries a load of u.d.l. of 10 kN/m over entire span. The horizontal thrust at the left springing will be

(A) 100 kN

(B) 400 kN

(C) 600 kN

(D) 800 kN

Answer: A

24. A circular three pinned arch of span 20 m and a rise of 5 m is hinged at a crown and springing. It carries a load of u.d.l. of 10 kN/m over entire span. What will be the horizontal reactions at the supports,

(A) 100 kN

(B) 400 kN

(C) 600 kN

(D) 800 kN

Answer: A

25. A 3 hinged arch of span 40m and rise 8m carries concentrated loads of 200 kN and 150 kN at a distance of 8m and 16m from the left end and an udl of 50 kN/m on the right half of the span. What will be the horizontal thrust?

(A) 500 kN

(B) 850 kN

(C) 875 kN

(D) 900 kN

Answer: C

26. A 3 hinged arch of span 40m and rise 8m carries concentrated loads of 200 kN and 150 kN at a distance of 8m and 16m from the left end and an udl of 50 kN/m on the right half of the span. What will be the horizontal reaction on left support?

(A) 500 kN

(B) 850 kN

(C) 875 kN

(D) 900 kN

Answer: A

27. A 3 hinged arch of span 40m and rise 8m carries concentrated loads of 200 kN and 150 kN at a distance of 8m and 16m from the left end and an udl of 50 kN/m on the right half of the span. What will be the horizontal reaction on right support?

(A) 500 kN

(B) 850 kN

(C) 875 kN

(D) 900 kN

Answer: B

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